Chinese Solitaire

Exclusively made to play Chinese Solitaire

Timer 100 seconds

Challenge 0 seconds

Life 2 remaining

How to play ?

Welcome to the Chinese Solitaire online game! To play, click on a green marble to select it, then click on an empty hole to move it. The goal is to eliminate as many green marbles as possible until one marble remains.

Chinese Solitaire Solution

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Chinese Solitaire

Chinese Solitaire is an engaging single-player marble game, playable online for free or through a dedicated app. Set on a square board with a pattern of holes, it begins with marbles filling each slot except the central one. Players eliminate marbles by jumping one over another, akin to checkers, following specific rules. The objective is to clear the board, leaving just one marble at the center. Strategic thinking and careful planning are crucial in finding the solution. Chinese Solitaire offers a mentally stimulating experience, providing cost-free access to an engaging game that tests logic and problem-solving skills, delivering a rewarding sense of accomplishment upon successful completion.

Only Chinese Solitaire game, online on internet that is ad free and responsive for all resolutions. It is also available for iOS in app store and android in play store. Click here!